Thursday, November 29, 2012

Web Design Australia: Tips on an Effective Web Design

Probably one of the serious headaches of a web designer is how would the page that they are designing would grab the attention of the viewers. With a million websites and pages in the internet, making their page stand out is their ultimate goal.

As a designer how could you possibly do it?
Check out relevant or similar sites as many as possible. Jot down all the negative aspects and positive aspects of each websites that you have visited. Get in-depth study of your subject; create a design that is distinct. Below are more tips on how you could possibly create an effective web design.

Original Visuals - Use images and visuals that you have created and not the ones that are downloaded somewhere else.

The Smaller the better – the smaller the file size of each image the better is the load time of your website. I would suggest using GIF’s rather than JPEG files.

Aim at the Target – Keep the target audience in mind. Make sure that the design would complement the viewers.

Browser Friendly – Always test your site on different browsers. The website you are designing should properly be viewed on different internet browsers, especially with; Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera.

Mobile Compatibility – With the abundance of mobile phones that have internet browsing capability, the website that you are designing is should be compatible and works properly on mobile phones.

Simplicity is beauty – Avoid using unnecessary things like flashing images, java text scrolling, page counters lots of animations and illustrations (unless you’re website is about photography). Make it as simple as possible that way the message or information you are trying to relay to your audience is clear.

Backgrounds – Never use backgrounds that are tiled or patterned it would disrupt the focal point of your website which is the content. With a tiled or patterned background you are diverting the attention of your viewers from the content into the background.

If all the above mentioned tips are a lot of work for you, then you should probably hire someone to do this for you. And I strongly suggest to check on Web Designers Australia due to their excessive knowledge on web design.


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